Get Fit of Die Mirin

Get Fit of Die Mirin

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Week 3 Session 2 and 3

Week 3 Session 2 and 3

Session 2

Hola familia of Freeletics. In week 3 Session 2 workout is Hades, God of the under world. Lets see what do He have for us.

Workout Name: Hades

Name/Round            Round 1        Round 2        Round 3

Burpees                       25                  25                  25

Push Up                      15                   15                 15

Pull Up                        15                   15                  15

Burpees                        25                   25                  25

Jumping Jack               100                100                100

Total Time taken for Hades: 45.26 Minutes

Hades oh Hades. I challenged Him,  He crushed me. But that won't put me down. Hades may seems easy but in reality it kick you as$ hard. Tips for Burpees, control your breathing so that you are able to do them easier. Next will be session 3.

Session 3

ARTEMIS is my enemy. I'm having hard time to finish this workout because I couldn't really control my breathing. That makes my progress slow especially when doing the 100 burpees and 100 push up. In Artemis workout you will be doing 50 burpees, 50 pull ups, 100 push up, 150 squat, and 50 burpees again in the end. My total time taken for session 3 week 3 Artemis is 43:51. I'm a bit disappointed with my time but what matter most is how you handle the exercise. No matter how fast you are but you're doing it the wrong way it is worthless. I'd like to share a bit about taking sufficient rest. After finishing the workout make sure to cool down your body temperature to avoid muscle injuries. Moreover make sure to drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration in your body. Most important is, make sure you have enough sleep at least 6-8 hour so that your body can fully recover and ready to do the next Freeletics workout. Less sleep will force your body to shut down when doing Freeletics or you might yawn during the workout which I already experienced it. Therefore, take care of your self. Enough rest means you can workout hard!


" Yes means Yes, No means Maybe, Maybe means Yes "

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