Get Fit of Die Mirin

Get Fit of Die Mirin

Friday, September 25, 2015

Week 2 Sesion 4 & 5

Week 2 Session 4 and 5

Session 4 is about Burpees MAX. 5 minutes is the time given. Do as many burpees as you can.
In week 1 I'm able to do 48 burpees in 5 minutes. Here is week 2 Burpee MAX result.

Workout Name: Burpees MAX


Burpees MAX ( 5 minutes ) : 62 repetition. (New PB)

I added some other workout for fun because this session workout is simple. Thw workout I added is some exercise from 300 Spartan Workout. Painful but amazing.

Session 5

For Session 5 in week 2. It is the same as the first Session in Week 2, Artemis. Compared to the first session, Artemis in the 5th session is a bit more easy. But that doesn't mean it is too easy. I almost give up when I was doing the 50 pull up and 100 strict push up. But I am able to finish the workout 4 minutes earlier than the first session of Artemis. I am so proud because it was 3 day after the first Artemis session in week 2 and I can feel the different and the time taken to finish the workout proved it.

Week 2 Session 1 Total Time Taken result: 48:50 minutes

Week 2 Session 5 ( Today ) Total Time Taken result : 44.53 minutes (PB)

Next two day is rest day, but that doesn't mean I wont do any exercise. I'll be doing some 300 Spartan Workout exercises. I can't wait to enter week 3. New workout in week 3 which is Hades and it's waiting to crush me. xD

If anyone of you have a suggestion about eating diet please leave a comment. I don't think my diet is at top condition now :c But, I do notice my belly fat is getting smaller. I am so happy.

" The pain is temporary, your transformation is permanent "

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