Get Fit of Die Mirin

Get Fit of Die Mirin

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Week 4 Review

There are many up and down during this week. But that is not a reason to stop doing workout. No extraordinary transformation yet but my belly fat and side belly fat had reduce, thanks to burpees, squat, sit up, froggers and the tiring mountain climbers. Moreover my diet control is getting better and better. Always find out do you eat because of hunger or appetite? Well at least it work for me, but different people have different ideas on how to control their diet. Some think that diet is about eating less or eating only on certain period of time. That is a bad idea of diet. If you're on a diet, it doesn't mean that you have to eat less or only in certain period of time. It is about what you eat. Replacing those junk food you eat with some green fresh vegetables and replacing your full of fat food to food with full of protein ,zinc and carbohydrates are some simple example of diet. Beside doing freeletics workout, I've added some lift workout for my arms, chest and legs. It hit me hard but I am glad I am able to do it. For lift workout, I do 4 sets 10 repetition each. Doing to much repetitions and sets may cause muscle injury. Total weight I'm lifting is 10kg only ( for now, but I'll add up more weight on coming workout ) or around 20 lbs. Do not lift weight above your strength limit to avoid any potential injuries. I may takes long time to heal and cost you a lot of time for full recovery and perform your workout again. These are the result for this week workout.


Session 1 Aphrodite : 45:45 minutes

Session 2 Aphrodite : 34:35 minutes (stop at round 3)

Session 3 Push Up MAX (100 sec) 3 Round : 25 reps, 23 reps, 20 reps

Session 4 (End of week 4) Aphrodite : 43:30 minutes

2X METIS ( For fun ) : 22:43 Minutes

Only 4 session in week 4. But I'll be doing some HIIT Cardio and some lift exercise on the fifth and sixth day. Sunday is rest day. Thanks for spending some of your time reading my post. Have a nice day!

" You doesn't have to be great to start, you have to start to be great "

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