Get Fit of Die Mirin

Get Fit of Die Mirin

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Week 5 Review

Step Up The Hard Work!

           Week 5 is a bit slow in progress. My body is giving up. Although there are only 4 session in this week it is still difficult to perform well. I am pushing my self over my limit each time I carried out my exercise. This week I've workout are Hades, Iris, MAX Push Up + MAX Burpees.
What I've learned this week is to believe in your mind. My mind keep saying YES although my body says NO. I believe with high determination you're able to overcome and control your body. All you need to do is FOCUSING on what you had aim for. (my aim is to get lean by the end of 2015) Focusing on your aim is a great motivation for your self. To be honest, every weekend (rest day of workout) I always stand hours in front of the mirror looking at my self. Sometimes I got upset because of all the hard work I had done only show up a small change. I am sure you would feel the same when you had worked hard for few weeks but notice only a small change. Some people would choose to give up and quit which I hope none of us here will do that. No everyone can bulk up in short time, some may take years. The frustration I felt had been a great motivator for me to keep moving forward. Some people often ask "How long should I train to get the shape that I wanted so much? 3 months, 6 month, 9 months, 1 year, 2 years?" You won't know it unless you're willing to work for it. Besides, fitness is not only about having a good shape or look. Fitness is not only a daily routine, it is a lifestyle.


Session 1: Hades : 41.32 minutes

Session 2: Iris : 42:30 minutes

Session 3: MAX Sit Up 77, MAX Burpees 44, MAX Sit Up 87

Session 4: Hades : 39.11 minutes

Good news, I am able to perform perfect burpess although I still need to control my breathing.
Mountain Climber 100 reps x 5 round = 500 climber. A great personal achievement for myself. Performing 30 climber is not even easy for me.

I'll be updating on week 6 review on next weekend.
P/S Belly fat and Side Belly fat is vey stubborn and annoying.


"Love the body you're having right now while you're working for the new one" 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Week 4 Review

There are many up and down during this week. But that is not a reason to stop doing workout. No extraordinary transformation yet but my belly fat and side belly fat had reduce, thanks to burpees, squat, sit up, froggers and the tiring mountain climbers. Moreover my diet control is getting better and better. Always find out do you eat because of hunger or appetite? Well at least it work for me, but different people have different ideas on how to control their diet. Some think that diet is about eating less or eating only on certain period of time. That is a bad idea of diet. If you're on a diet, it doesn't mean that you have to eat less or only in certain period of time. It is about what you eat. Replacing those junk food you eat with some green fresh vegetables and replacing your full of fat food to food with full of protein ,zinc and carbohydrates are some simple example of diet. Beside doing freeletics workout, I've added some lift workout for my arms, chest and legs. It hit me hard but I am glad I am able to do it. For lift workout, I do 4 sets 10 repetition each. Doing to much repetitions and sets may cause muscle injury. Total weight I'm lifting is 10kg only ( for now, but I'll add up more weight on coming workout ) or around 20 lbs. Do not lift weight above your strength limit to avoid any potential injuries. I may takes long time to heal and cost you a lot of time for full recovery and perform your workout again. These are the result for this week workout.


Session 1 Aphrodite : 45:45 minutes

Session 2 Aphrodite : 34:35 minutes (stop at round 3)

Session 3 Push Up MAX (100 sec) 3 Round : 25 reps, 23 reps, 20 reps

Session 4 (End of week 4) Aphrodite : 43:30 minutes

2X METIS ( For fun ) : 22:43 Minutes

Only 4 session in week 4. But I'll be doing some HIIT Cardio and some lift exercise on the fifth and sixth day. Sunday is rest day. Thanks for spending some of your time reading my post. Have a nice day!

" You doesn't have to be great to start, you have to start to be great "

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Random Workout

 This week is considered as cheat week. Although I didn't follow the routine, but I am still doing Freeletics. I've challenged my self to do different type of workout this week just for fun. I even tried new workout such as Gaia, Hyperion and more. I'm able to practice my pistol squat and hopefully I am able to do the perfect form. I am back on schedule next week tho I wont be able to post my updates due to some problem. I hope by the end of week 8 I can see visible change in my body form. Yesterday I finished my Metis only in 11.02 minutes. You can see how big the difference between the time and how Freeletics had really changed me. I always encourage my self to try a harder workout. I love challenging my self. We are one big family and a family never leave and of their member behind. To those who want to start Freeletics I'd like to say congratulation because you had made a brave step forward. You are one step closer to your ultimate form.

Thank you, GOODNIGHT for the Asian, HAVE A NICE DAY for those who in the different timezone.